Oh my goodness. Hello!
The sun is shining at this moment, and, WOW! It really melts the ice on a winter heart!
Okay, now it's gone. That's why we must appreciate it when we can.
One adventure I can tell you about is the snow cemetery. When I get out for a walk, I like to hit whatever kind of trail I can find, and I found the place where all those dumptrucks full of snow go to dump. First the giant snowblower cuts the sides of the snowbanks and auger it into the next dumptruck in line. Then those dumpers race to the giant field where the snow goes to be out of the way of people's cars.
This picture doesn't do justice to the feeling of the place, but I love how the sun shines! If you look closely in the middle at the dark spot, you'll see Esa. I made him go up and explore to see how many rows of snow dumps there are.

That's the old dumping grounds. I see they plowed out another section to dump the latest heaps. It's so interesting to live in a place where they have land especially for bringing the snow to, well, die. And melt when the spring comes.
I don't know why, but it's fascinating to me. I went there yesterday and it was sooooo blowy, but I endured my loop through the deepish snow that made me want to turn around before my usual loop.
I need to put my skis on and venture back there. That's what I need to do.
But on that sunny Sunday when I took my boys there for the first time, we also brought Braeden's sled. When you have a child who likes to lay on the ground no matter where he is, a sled comes in handy for keeping things moving.
Esa caught a shot of me giving Brady a "slinger," Oh, he loves that!

Also with the sled, Braeden will often pull it while it's empty, just to have the purpose of pullng a sled. You know... whatever works so we're not just laying in the road! Ha!
We are still loving it in Calumet. It really brings a freedom, and a whole new sense of wonder, curiosity and experience. Not only are we closer to the resources our little family needs, we are some place new! And that means we are always learning.
Learning keeps us awesome.
One thing I'm learning about myself (though there have been many many many things) is that I need to celebrate more. I'm spending every moment I can working on my career and business. Trust me. You will see things morph.
But what I am also doing is cutting out a lot of the fun in my life. Sure Brady and I will get out on weekend adventures, but can I tell you a secret? I have not put my skis, my snowshoes or my snowboard on at all this winter.
Not once.
Sure the snow scoop and I tango every other day. And I get that walk in a couple times a week, but I am constantly creating, doing research, producing content, writing books, editing and so so much.
Good thing I love it.
But I need more of a balance. And I need to celebrate myself more. I just put so many hours of creativity, innovation and organization into The Cheeky Scribe that I should be proud of myself! I should celebrate! So while I am still waiting to see the fruits of this daily labor, I must recognize that I am certainly putting in more work than I ever imagined.
Just you wait and see. I've got a big job to do on this planet, and it takes diligence and consistent action. So I will keep going, but I wanted to share that with you. I will see some friends in Marquette this weekend, so I will make it a point to raise a toast with them and celebrate my hard work so far.
It will help keep me moving forward!
While you are waiting to see the next cool things to come (like In the Dirt 2 by the spring!!!) here are a couple of the recent endeavors.
In our latest podcast, I interview Julie Blackstone, a long time friend, co-worker and restaurant success. You can listen to that episode here.
I will also be uploading a video of me reading selected chapters from all three of my currently available books on youtube, so any curious readers can get a taste. I've got the Digging for Light memoir up here.
And at the end of each month, I'm posting a seasonal throwback video on my Patreon. If you want to get those, it's simple to sign up for free! And if you want to get all the behind-the-scenes from our podcasts, $5 a month will email those to your inbox. It's a great way to support all the things you love from my heart.
That's enough for now. I'll share more as time goes.
Until then, find another new thing to explore or another new person to say hello to. It's how the world keeps turning. Be safe, and stay awesome!