Happy Summer!
Holy buckets, it's hot and buggy all the sudden!
Yesterday was a bugnet day for sure. I (and every person I saw working outside) had one on. It's like a screened-in porch for a person. They are sweaty to wear in the heat, but they let you keep your sanity from not swatting blackflies. Or itching or bleeding from them.
Okay, so there's that. That means it's really lovely here. Ha! It is!
We had great 3-day weekend weather too. Lots of visitors came. It was a little surreal, but it gave the locals a chance to work some kinks out of new and re-opening businesses and projects.
Brady got something new too.
When he was three years old, his physical therapist suggested I gut him a small indoor trampoline with the bar to hang on to. Well, five years later, that kid is a rockstar on it! He uses it as his stage, his gymnastic bar and his jumping platform and on and on. I don't know if he would have six-pack abs if he didn't have this trampoline in the house.
He is simply amazing to watch on it.
At his dad's house, he has a bigger outdoor one to jump with his brother. I figured he needed one here too. So I spoiled him with good intentions and got one.
He loves that thing! He shows it to everyone who comes over whether he is on it or not. And he looooves to jump to music.
So I have the kid who blasts world geography tunes and jumps on his trampoline. Ha! How did I get so lucky?

Sometimes he lets me jump with him.
Otherwise he says I am too big or too old. Ha! He sure knows how to flatter a mama!
Oh well. I got it for him. He will have to learn to share a bit more in the future, though.
As for the lake, she has been quite lovely and calm. The other day, I couldn't tell where the lake ended and the sky started. The horizon blurred together. That is always an awe-striking sight.
I think that's all for now, but stay tuned for the rest of the news as it progresses through June!
Stay cool and have a wonderful day!