Hey, you!
Are you excited for spring? Me too!
I'm kind of banking on the groundhog and all this sunshine we've been getting to prove that spring is actually on its way. I know we'll have a couple more blizzards, but that's part of living in the Yoop!
Let me tell you a little bit about my winter.
Do you know why I moved up here in the first place? To snowboard at Mount Bohemia. Yup. I was a ski bum. Then I got a job. Then I established a residency and a career. Then I had a baby who is now five years old.
I don't snowboard as much anymore. This year I got to ride the hill one time. One time in the last two years, I got out. Better than nothing! (It was amazing, by the way.)
If you've been reading my posts throughout the years, you also know that I love to snowshoe, ice skate, cross-country ski, crawl up and slide down dangerous places like Brockway Mountain, etc.
Most of that was before I became a (now single) mother of a small boy. He's amazing. But he doesn't really like winter.
This winter, I have laced up my skates once and skated on an indoor rink. I have not even taken my cross country skis off the rack. I haven't even touched my snowshoes.
What is happening to me???
I'll tell you what. I'm a mother, landlord and a home owner all on my own. I shovel and snowblow for exercise. On the days when I haven't had to move snow, I just rejoice and get on with the day. Snowblowing is surprising a lot of work. I spend at least an hour with that beast of a machine, and come in dripping in my own sweat. It's kind of like a sauna! A gassy, noisy sauna....
But, for some reason, the winter hasn't included adventuring.
I really have no excuses. I mean, I got a new job, and I've been working to keep up with daily tasks at home, but I have really done nothing besides move snow this winter.
Well, something changed today, and I think I know what it is.
After the school bus left with my little boy in it, I walked down to the Harbor Haus beach in my pajama pants and untied boots with my camera.
The sun was rising, and I couldn't resist!
Here you go!

Sunrise 3/3/2020
For some reason, on the way back up the hill, I decided to go for a run. The roads are clear and dry, and I haven't had an exercise routine since the fall -- rollerblading, running and biking. Oooh, I can almost taste it!
If you remember, I usually hate running. I do it for punishment. Well, today was a day to spit out 16 loogies of winter goo and sweat my buns off. Punishment it was!
I layered up, put on my headphones and hit play on my Pandora Club/Dance Radio station.
Down the driveway I ran. Up the hill in front of the Gas Lite I ran. All the way up the hill, past the boat launch, I ran. I ran and sang and spit and huffed and puffed until I got to the lighthouse overlook area.
It was amazing!!!

Then I ran across the highway and across Fanny Hooe Creek. I hit the ski trails because, well, they were totally runnable. I laughed when I realized it seriously was my first time out on the trails all winter.
And I was in my running shoes!
Here's a cool shot from Lake Fanny Hooe.

I thought the light reflecting in somebody's icy ski tracks was pretty cool.
And then I sang, danced, walked and jogged back home.
It was a little slice of magic, let me tell you. It was like I came out of hibernation!
I know, I know. It's not really spring yet, and I shouldn't get my hopes up. But, hey. They're up. And that's where I want them to stay. This sunshine and longer days have given my spirit new life.
Don't get me wrong, I actually had a fabulous winter. I was never bored or felt stuck inside or like it would never end. It's been great!
But I see this seasonal shift on happening and my soul is ready. I hope yours is too!
I love reading what you created. You created a great day. Wish I could describe more to you/for you but I get a tad lost in my thoughts. But again I love reading what you create. Thank you Lady.