Have you noticed that each time you go to search on a website or post on social media you now have automatic suggestions from AI? It blows my mind how in-your-face it is.
As a content creator, each time I open to create on my Patreon or this blog, it's the same thing. Those little diamond star thingies follow my words each time the line I'm typing moves down a notch, like it's just begging me to click it to show me how smart it is. To show me how it can write this better.
But do you know what?
I never click.
I have never clicked on those little stars or AI suggestions because what I have to say doesn't come from a database of searchable information.
It comes from my heart and soul.
I understand that a lot of creators, or even curious people, like to see what those little sparkles can show them. I'm sure it's fun sometimes to experiment. And some people really need the help to write a cohesive article, blurb, advertisement -- whatever. I get it.
But I don't need it. And that feels liberating.
That's why I am still sharing my words and thoughts with you. Thanks for still reading it!
Want to see a rare wildflower species?
This is called pine drops. It is not AI!

It's a close-up, but not really a macro, so it's a bit blurry. This species is unique because it has no chlorophyll. Isn't that cool?
It's currently rising from its stalks in a few areas along the crushed gravel trail along Fort Wilkins. They can get up to two to three feet high! I think they are lovely, and I wanted to share them with you.
Guess what else... the berries are out! I mean all of them! They are in different stages, but you can find a thimble, bil, blue, straw, rasp or dew berry out there right now. It's so glorious!
I hope there are still some thimbleberries left when Brady gets home from camp. He still has a week and a half. Oh, I am so ready for that guy to come home. It sounds like he is making progress and having fun, but I bet he is ready to come home too.
I stole this off their Facebook page, but here is one with him in the middle. Look at that cammaraderie! I love it! He's such a big guy!!!

While this picture makes my heart smile, it also makes me laugh. I looked at his feet and asked myself, "What is he wearing?"
Then I cracked up. I sent him with two pairs of shoes. Two! With his inserts and everything. Well, apparently he chose to wear his light-up dinosaur rain boots. But I don't blame him. They are pretty fun!
I'm excited to share stories of his time at camp with you when he returns. Hopefully he will do a podcast interview with me, so stay tuned for that one!
If you signed up to get notified each time I publish this blog, you surely won't miss it! Way to go! Without even announcing it, I had quite a few people sign up to stay in the loop. Then you don't have to remember it's Wednesday! You are so smart.
Fingers crossed that the system works the way I hope it does. Ha! Trust me, I'll know if it doesn't.
But hey, I have a sweet new print in my collection. The subject is a surprise, but I want to give one away! If you already signed up to stay in the loop with this blog, you are entered. Congrats!
If you want to enter or just stay in the loop anyway, everyone who signs up (at the top of this page) between now and July 30th also has a chance to win the magical mystery print. The winner will be announced when the next blog is published on the 31st. Let's do it!
I guess I went off on a giveaway tangent, but I still have another thing to say about Braeden being at camp. Yes, it's awesome that he's learning new skills and becoming more independent and all that, and yes, it's nice for me to have a break, but this is a long break.
Now let me admit this.
For the first week, I was like, whew! I have time to myself! And I totally flew with it.
From the second to the fifth week, I missed him. A lot. But I just wanted to see his smile or give him a hug and send him right back. I felt guilty about that, but people told me not to.
And now, during week six, I just want him home.
I want to wake up in the middle of night because he got out of bed (okay, not really, but that's part of it!). I want to snuggle with him on the red chair and have a laughing fit and read a book. I want to wait for him when we walk somewhere because he has to stop and ask everybody's name. I want to always be "on" making sure he just ate, making sure he's safe, making sure he's still on the trajectory to becoming the amazing person he came here to be.
Yes. I really miss him. I'm ready for him to come home.
Just 10 more days.
We can do it.
Thanks for reading all that.
And if you need some more Copper Harbor, listen to our latest podcast episode. In that one I read the little signs in those glass cases in the Copper Harbor Welcome Center that most people don't read. Why? Because they're so interesting! Some of the best stuff is in the hardest-to-reach places.
I've got some books to write!