Happy Wednesday!
We have a lot to catch up on. But first let me say you have been part of my inner dialogue lately. Nearly everyday has a new element, and every weekend brings a new adventure.
Because we are somewhere new!
I'm pretty sure I told you we moved south to be closer to Braeden's school. We are still in the Keweenaw, but we have "normal" city amenities close by.
The whole experience has been a bit surreal, and I try my best to remember all the things I want to tell you about.
Everything is so different.
And new.
And... simple.
Whether you've been reading with me for a month, a year or a decade (or longer!), you know that I lived in the harbor full-time for 18 years. When Brady came along with extra educational/medical needs, we chose to stay.
It wasn't easy. I don't know how many people (including family members) asked me if I planned to move closer to a real city once he came along. But I never considered it. I didn't think I had that option.
You also probably know that I ended up raising that little boy in the harbor mostly by myself.
Let me give you this advice if you are ever in that situation. Go somewhere else with more resources, education options and medical facilities. Yes, it's lovely in Copper Harbor, and we made the best of it, but it really took a toll on me. I felt trapped a lot of the time.
But I will also say this. I am 1,000,000% grateful for my community and grandparents on both sides who always jumped in when I squealed for help. Asking for help was not something I was good at, or wanted to do, but it became necessary.
And when I was too weak or stubborn to ask, the universe sent me help in the form of one of the people listed above. Those people saved us. They made it possible to live in what seemed like an impossible (albeit beautiful) situation.
Now that we are in a place we maybe should have been all a long, life is so much easier.
For a couple examples:
We can sleep two hours later in the morning before school. Two hours!
The hospital is within one mile, so "should we make the drive?" to go to the ER or make an appointment when his throat inflames and goops up is not even a question. And honestly, it should not have to be. But it was.
Brady has a little boy friend just a couple houses down who loves to come over and play. While there are a few kids in the harbor, none of them were boys at an age he was well-matched with.
With all those things, plus the things I forgot, he is thriving. Brady loves it here! Our mornings are not a struggle like they used to be. We are not so tired. And even the stress of preparing for a trip to town is -- gone! That was a lot of preparation! I forgot my purse and grocery list on separate occasions from the harbor, and that makes for a waste of a drive... and a day.
So life is good. And do you know what? Not living in Copper Harbor makes it magical again! As with any place you think is amazing, once you live or work there, you experience the grind. The things that you have to do pile up, and the things that you want to do become memories.
But now when I go up on Saturdays to open the gallery and bring Brady to see his dad's family, I can look around and ask myself, "What else can I do before I go?Which trail? Which lake? Who should I visit?" and the magic seeps back in. Ahhhh.
And do you know what else? We've been exploring other parts of the Keweenaw! Esa and I spent one afternoon at Eagle River for a beach day (and some Fitz food. So yum!). We spent another evening at Bete Gris (followed by Glacia Tavern, also yum!) And we hiked at Black Creek Nature Sanctuary where... I have never been before! Can you believe that? It was awesome! And, I took some pictures. You've read enough, it's time for some pictures from the Black Creek escapade.
I will let you caption them yourself. Ha!

It looks like there are two choices from that trailhead. You can take a trail to Lake Superior or do a loop that gets close to the lake. We did that loop, and you saw the lake in a couple of the top pictures.
It was like you came with us! The Black Creek hike was a bit long, but awesome.
Okay, I've taken enough of your day, but the fun isn't over! The Vitality gallery will be open for a few more Saturdays from 2-5pm, then closed for the season. But I just did you a favor and put all my new prints online! If you can't get up during my wee hours, you can still check out the new macro nature prints here at your convenience. Books too. Wink wink!
And if you haven't heard our latest podcast episode, check it out! Tom Wierciak talks about raising the horses out in Clyde's field. If you were ever curious about those horses or didn't know they were back there, you'll get the scoop from the man himself. Enjoy!
So excited for you! I think you made a wise decision!!!!
Wishing the very best! ❤️
That was one big heart smile for the day. So happy for all of you. Look forward to spending some time In your new space.
Thank you. Much love
Beautiful photos and thoughts. Thanks Amanda